The Best Outdoor Toys for Toddlers
Imagine this – your kids are outside, playing happily. You’re sitting close by sipping your iced coffee and reading a book, or maybe you’re watching them play through the kitchen window. When it’s finally time to call them in for lunch, you’re met by a chorus of “Aww, man!”’s. Sounds dreamy, right?
Summer is right around the corner, and if you’re anything like me, you’re hoping to get your kids playing, using their imaginations, and having fun outside!
I’ve compiled a list of some of the best outdoor toys that will help you do just that! Many of these are toys that we’ve had and enjoyed for years… And the rest are on our own wish list!
The best outdoor toys for kids
Step2 Roller Coaster
We’ve had this gem for years, and it never gets old! Starting at about age one, your little one can ride with assistance… And it’s still a hit at age five (and beyond)!

Play House
Every backyard needs a playhouse. So much wonderful pretend play happens in ours! My girls have even shared picnic lunches inside the playhouse together!
Water Table
Scooping, pouring, pretend play, splashing… our water table is an absolute staple in our Florida backyard. Keep it simple or come up with fun themed water table playscapes. The possibilities are endless!
Flower Sprinkler
No list of outdoor toys would be complete without a sprinkler! We’ve owned this Melissa & Doug flower sprinkler for four years and it’s a real winner. A classic way to stay cool this summer!
Kiddie Pool
Ahh, the kiddie pool. There are so many different options you could go with. We’ve tried a few different ones, but we’re loving the simplicity of this 4-foot pink blowup pool right now!
Splash Pad
I feel like the splash pad is the perfect blend of sprinkler and kiddie pool. Perfect for running through, or sitting down to get all the way wet. Add some of your child’s favorite toys for a fun twist!
Reusable Water Balloons
If you haven’t tried these reusable water balloons yet, you’ve got to get your hands on some! Kids can fill them up independently by dunking the balloon underwater and closing it with the magnetic closure. Note: make sure you get the kind with the fully enclosed magnets. Exposed magnets could be a choking hazard!
What toddler doesn’t love playing on the slide? Bring this classic into your backyard for hours of endless fun. Pro tip: have the slide lead into your kiddo pool for a water slide party!
Cozy Coupe
Who remembers playing with this gem as a kid? Your little one will live driving around in style in their Cozy Coupe. And today there are so many fun colors and designs to choose from!
Mud Kitchen
You can buy an actual mud kitchen or use a cheap play kitchen, but either way, you NEED an outdoor kitchen! Potions, flower soups, mud cakes – the imaginative play possibilities are endless!
Basketball Hoop
This one is almost as fun for the grownups as it is for the kids. In fact, I remember when my older daughter got hers on her second birthday – the dads in the group commandeered it for the rest of the birthday party! But for kids and grownups alike, a basketball hoop is a fun way to get moving outdoors!
Bubble Lawn Mower
Bubbles are always an outdoor win. We don’t have this exact bubble lawn mower, but it’s definitely going on our list! The fun is two-fold: bubbles are awesome, and a toy lawn mower makes for great imaginative play.
I wish we had better trees in our yard! When we’ve played at a friend’s house who had one of these swings, it was such a hit. And this one’s rated for kids up to 50 pounds!
Balance Bike
Another toy that we don’t own but I’ve heard the best things about. Balance bikes are excellent for learning how to maneuver on a bike, without worrying about pedaling.
This is by far the simplest item on today’s list, but really, could a list of outdoor toys be complete without some sidewalk chalk? You can go simple or elaborate, but make sure you have some chalk ready for your outdoor play!
A sandbox is such a fun outdoor giant sensory bin! Your little ones will love playing, digging, building, and burying!

More fun (and free!) play ideas
Want to get your kids playing outside but don’t want to shop for new toys? I’ve got you covered there, too. Check out this free nature scavenger hunt for hours of outdoor exploration!
Need some indoor play ideas instead? My sweet friend Bonnie over at Fun Learn Grow Co just launched her FREE Unplug and Play Challenge. She’s pulled together five days of easy activities that use five ingredients or less to inspire meaningful moments with your kiddos. I signed up and I am loving how simple and fun these activities are!
Which toy on this list are you most excited to snag? Comment below or message me on Instagram and let me know!